General Information

The aim of the Baku International Medical Workshop Days Faculty is to support and promote education in general and laparoscopic surgery, endoscopy, ultrasonography, radiology, gynecology, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, endosonography and other fields of medicine  in the regional countries.

The Faculty organises internationally renowned courses where different techniques in above mentoined fields of medicine are taught with lectures and skills workshops, organise and intensify international scientific and practical exchange between medical specialists. 

The faculty also supports and coaches postgraduate education for doctors from regional countries and fosters interdisciplinary networking within the associated institutions.

Members of the Board of Directors, the Course Faculty, and the Instructors group respectively, are independent medical spesialists, who have leadership functions in different European and regional hospitals. These specialists contribute to the annual course with their presence and experience and do not receive any honorarium for their work.

The annual practical course is helding once in year in Baku, Azerbaijan with involving young doctors from all regional countries (Russia, Turkey, Georgia, Iran, Ukraine, Middle Asia), but might be organised many times and in other countries also.

The Organizing Committee of the course (e.g. the Faculty and Board of Directors) has freedom in designing the scientific program and the practical exercises. The committee does not have any commitments to the industry partners at the course.

The course faculty is promoting practical skills training, surgical research and academic development. In this respect, several peer-reviewed manuscripts, written by members of the faculty will be prepared

The annual course provides a fully scheduled and structured education throughout the whole three days. Besides practical exercises, theoretical lectures and interactive case- based discussions are provided.

All finances of the course are freely available to the sponsoring companies. Accounts, balances and projected budgets are transparently discussed with the industry partners. Financial statements are reviewed and approved by a trust company and all records of the course organization are freely available on request.