General information

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       LINK      4.AGTMC 2018 – Online registration for congress

       LINK      4.AGTMC 2018 – Online registration for workshops

         PDF      4.AGTMC 2018 –  Preliminary program of congress

         PDF      4.AGTMC 2018 – Preliminary proqram of workshops

     LINK      Payment terms (for foreign participants)

     LINK      Payment terms (for azerbaijani participants)


  • Minimally invasive surgery (Laparoscopic, Robotic, Notes)
  • Surgical treatment and modern oncologic strategies in Colorectal, Esophageal and Hepatobiliary cancer
  • Modern surgical, oncological and radiologic strategies in metastatic cancer
  • Minimally invasive versus open surgery in Oncology
  • Actual problems of gastroenterology, nephrology, gastroenterology, cardiology
  • and endoscopy
  • Modern radiologic approaches in General Surgery, Gynecology, Urology and Surgical imaging
  • Fluorescence imaging technology in surgery
  • Lymph node dissection in abdominal, thoracic surgery, urology and gynecology
  • EUS and Transrectal endosonography in oncologic surgery
  • Endoscopic mucosal resection for rectal and gastric cancer
  • Surgical complications and management anastomosis leak
  • Obesity, gastric balloon implantation
  • Acute renal and liver failure in surgery
  • Lymph node dissection in abdominal, thoracic surgery, urology and gynecology
  • Cardiopulmonary resuscitation
  • Training and Continued Medical Education
  • Surgical education and simulation


  • Prof. M.Gebel, Hannover, Germany
  • Prof. G.Kaehler, Mannheim, Germany
  • Prof. D.Hahnloser, Lausanne, Switzerland
  • Prof. S.Bagnenko, Russia
  • Prof. U.Settmacher, Jena, Germany ​
  • Prof. S.Demirbash, Ankara, Turkey
  • Prof. P.Vogelbach, Dornach, Switzerland
  • Prof. E.Canbay, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Prof. F.Can, Ankara, Turkey
  • Prof. O.Tarchin, Istanbul, Turkey
  • Prof. D.Stephan, Siegen, Germany
  • Prof. A.Khadjibaev, Uzbekistan
  • Prof. Kh.Akilov, Uzbekistan
  • Prof. J. Zanow, Jena, Germany
  • Med. D.Uyak, Wilhelmshaven, Germany
  • PD Dr Med F.Rauchfuss, Jena, Germany
  • PD Dr. Med. N.Eckardt, Jena, Germany
  • Prof. S.Baydo, Ukraine
  • PD Dr. Med. H.Saelzer, Siegen, Germany
  • Med. V.Gebel, Hannover, Germany


  • Endoscopy
    Basic skills in gastroscopy and colonoscopy, ligating and banding, polypectomy, ERCP, stenting and stone extraction, mucosal resection, endoscopic gastrostomy
  • Laparoscopic Surgery
    Basic laparoscopic skills, laparoscopic suturing techniques, laparoscopic cholecystectomy, laparoscopic anastomosis techniques, laparoscopic single port cholecystectomy, laparoscopic fundoplication, laparoscopic gastrostomy
  • General and Vascular Surgery
    Suturing and knot-tying techniques, end-to-side, end-to-end and side-to-side intestinal anastomosis, intestinal sutures and vessel sutures, hepaticojejunostomy, vascular anastomosis, anterior resection of rectum
  • Ultrasonography
    Basic principles of ultrasonography, punction of vessels and absess cavity, ultrasound examination skills of various organs, drainage placement into abcess cavity, biopsy of liver, doppler and spectral ultrasound, ultrasound etastography, contrast ultrasonography
  • Radiology
    Investigation and discussion of difficult CT and MRT patients, Case presentations, drainage and biopsy procedures under CT
  • EUS
    Investigation and discussion of difficult patients, case presentations, fine needle biopsy of different lesions under EUS
  • Gynecology with Hysterescopy
    Dissecting on animal organs, laparoscopic salpingectomy, laparoscopic dissecting and ligating, hysterescopy of various pathologies, laparoscopic knotting and suturing techniques, hysterescopy and hysteroresectoscopy, laparoscopic hysterectomy
  • CPR
    Artificial respiration, heart massage, parenteral nutrition, thoracic punture and thoracentesis, tracheal intubation, tracheostomy
  • ECG tranings
  • Urology
  • Principles of genetic researches and How to write medical article
  • Course for nurses


Prof. Gurbankhan Muslumov
mobile: +99450 3103201
Dr. med. Deniz Uyak
mobile: +49172 4069934

Parviz Aliyev:
Vugar Behbudov:
Tapdig Mammadov:

Address: Hasanbay Zardabi Str., house 77a, AZ1100, Baku, Azerbaijan
Tel: (+994 12) 533-06-34, Vugar Behbudov (+994 55) 342-81-81,
Tapdig Mammadov (+994 55) 839-19-19