Congress 2016

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As was previously reported, more than 15 well-known scientists from Germany, Switzerland, Turkey and other countries will participate in the 2nd Azerbaijan-German-Turkish Medical Congress which will take place on April 21-25, 2016 in Baku, Azerbaijan. The Congress is very important not only for Azerbaijan, also for the development of medicine in Europe in terms of the exchange of medical knowledge and identifying new and innovative directions in different fields of medicine. Malu Dreyer, ministerpresident of Rheinland-Pfalz state of Germany, also emphasized this point in her congratulation letter to the organizing committee of the Congress.

Malu Dreyer, who holds the post of ministerpresident of Rheinland-Pfalz since 2013, also noted in her letter that this Congress makes a great contribution in the field of sharing medical knowledge between the countries, thereby in treatment of diseases and conditions for the protection of global health. Ministerpresident also emphasized that “Such an International Congress deepens cultural, scientific, educational and social ties among our people”

In the end Malu Dreyer expressed her gratitude to the organizers of the Congress, especially to chairmen of the Congress prof Gurbankhan Muslumov and Deniz Uyak for their great contribution  to the success of the Congress. She also wished all the referents and participants of the Congress fruitful and interesting interactive discussions.

Malu Dreyer
Ministerpräsidentin von Rheinland-Pfalz

Dphotoear colleagues, dear participants, dear guests!
Over the past decades, significant progress has been achieved in the field of medicine in Azerbaijan. I believe that our relations with Turkey and Germany medical centers played a key role in the development of medicine in our country. 1. Azerbaijan-German-Turkish Congress organized last year has had a great importance in this respect and firstly in our region became 21 CME credits from Europe. I am happy that we are able to organize very important meeting again on 21-25 april and this year our congress was recognized by European Institutions responsible for Continued Medical Education. t is gratifying that, this year our Congress and workshops are estimated by European Continuing Medical Education Centres with 24 CME points. Besides of interesting discussions on different topics during 3 days special workshops on surgery, radiology and endoscopy will be provided by professors from Germany and Turkey university hospitals.
I would like to welcome you again to our congress. Especially many thanks to our referents from Germany and Turkey for their coming. I wish the congress great success and wish our Distinguished Guests a pleasant and memorable stay in Baku.

Congress President, President of Azerbaijan-Germany Medical Cooperation Association

Along with the Congress, 2nd Congress of Society of Minimal Invasive and Endoscopic Surgeons of Azerbaijan will be held.

In the framework of the Congress a forum consisting of the reports of students, residents and young doctors dedicated to actual issues of Surgery, Oncology, Radiology and Gastroenterology will be organized. Selection of participants for the forum will be carried out by GAMCA and will continue until 31.01.2016.

Online registration is applied for participation in the Congress and trainings.

Please contact for detailed information.

After receiving an automatic email response to your request, for subsequent registration of your participation at the Congress, it is required to send your written request to the abovementioned email.

Dear participants, here you can get payment information on participation in trainings:
Payment terms (for foreign participants)
Payment terms (for azerbaijani participants)

Best regards,


Prof. Qurbanxan Müslümov
mobile: +99450 3103201

Dr. med. Deniz Uyak
mobile: +49172 4069934

Yusif Aliyarov:
Elgun  Samadov:
Mubariz Mammadli:
Tapdig Mammadov:
Vugar Behbudov:

Address: Hasanbay Zardabi Str., house 77a, AZ1100, Baku, Azerbaijan
Tel :(+994 12) 533-06-34

+994 55-342-81-81 – Vugar Behbudov
+994 55-839-19-19 – Tapdig Mammadov
+994 50-398-87-76 – Yusif Aliyarov